Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tax and the single girl - seven things you need to know

When it comes to a divorce, taxes are probably the last thing on your mind. But when you’re on your own, it’s more important than ever to be knowledgeable about financial issues that can affect your future. Below are seven things that you need to know:

1.Your filing status, for tax purposes, is determined as of the last day of the tax year (December 31). It doesn’t matter how long you were married during the year, or whether or not you continued to live together after the divorce. To figure out how to file, you only need to consider how you were classified on the last day of the year.
By Kelley Phillips Erb, Esq.
To view this article in its entirety, click here:

For more information, contact the Family Law Offices of Renee M. Marcelle at (415) 456-4444, or online at http://www.familylawmarin.com/


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