Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mediation Combination

Mediators can also be attorneys, therapists, or even accountants. Which combination is right for you?

You may have heard about some of the possible benefits of mediation: it can be easier on the kids and the pocket book, reduces conflict, is faster than bitter litigation, teaches more effective communication and parenting, creates more control of the process, and encourages self-generated solutions. But did you know that two mediators can be different as apples and avocados -- that their professional training and experience as well as personal style and beliefs can make them just-right or all-wrong for you? In general, most mediators have professional training and accreditation in either legal or therapeutic areas: lawyers, therapists, social workers, and clergy. Mediators with financial training -- such as accountants or financial planners -- are also becoming more common.

Here are a few examples of the possible combinations:

Attorney-Mediator: Choosing a mediator who is also an attorney or who has a legal background can be very beneficial in divorce cases. "An attorney would be able to advise clients about the law and what would happen if they went to court," says Genell Greenberg, an attorney-mediator practicing in San Diego. "In mediation, he or she is in a situation to guide the parties into equally informed decisions. Most people need to know what their legal rights are, and they should be knowledgeable about what would happen in certain situations. Whether or not they choose to do what the law provides is up to them, but they at least will have that information."
Diana Shepherd

To read this article in its entirety, please click here.

For more information, contact the Family Law Offices of Renee M. Marcelle at (415) 456-4444, or online at

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