Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Coming Clean with your Counsel

Divorce and separation are a difficult process. The person we have been with for years, that knows us inside and out, has drifted away. We must now pick up the pieces and move forward as a single individual. In many instances, there are things known by the person we once shared everything with, that are not known by others. We may feel embarrassed to reach out and share some of these intimate details with another person. However, as difficult as it may be, the person who needs you to confide in them is your lawyer. It is confidential, bound by attorney/client privileges, and can be a major stepping stone in achieving the results we want in our case. It is difficult to tell another person that you or the children were physically abused or that your spouse used drugs or drank to excess, however these facts are key components as to why your children should have you as the primary parent. Without telling your lawyer all issues in your matter, your children may be placed in dangerous situations. In order to be the best parent we can be, it is important that we share everything with our counsel.

Written by Dawn Miller/Law Offices of Renee Marcelle

For more information, contact the Family Law Offices of Renee M. Marcelle at (415) 456-4444, or online at http://www.familylawmarin.com/--

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