Thursday, November 6, 2008

Protecting Your Credit During Divorce

RICHLAND, WA - When a marriage ends in divorce, the lives of those involved are changed forever. During this time of upheaval, one thing that shouldn't have to change is the credit status you've worked so hard to achieve.Unfortunately, for many, the experience is the exact opposite. Unfulfilled promises to pay bills, the maxing out of credit cards, and a total breakdown in communication frequently lead to the annihilation of at least one spouse's credit.
Depending upon how finances are structured, it can sometimes have a negative impact on both parties.The good news is it doesn't have to be this way.
By taking a proactive approach and creating a specific plan to maintain one's credit status, anyone can ensure that "starting over" doesn't have to mean rebuilding credit...

To read the remainder of this article, click here

For more information, contact the Law Offices of Renee M. Marcelle at (415) 456-4444, or online at

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