Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Best places to meet someone new

Sometimes, people are distraught and stunned from their divorce experience, but even more importantly, some feel desperate, so they wind up hanging out at all the wrong places to socialize in the hopes of finding romance once again and soon!

You may have your own list of "best" places to go to find someone new, but in the meantime, consider my suggestions for what I have been told are the best "Top Ten" places to meet that special person. As in other segments in this 16-part series, I have approached it ala David Letterman style, beginning with the tenth item and moving down the list to the very first choice on my list. If you think you are ready to venture out into the world, let this list help guide you:
10. At your best friend's wedding (it doesn't matter how many he/she has had).
9. At the political headquarters of your favorite political candidate.
8. At your local home improvement or hardware store (women can never find what they need so the men cruising the aisles are easy recruits for assistance. Men hardly shop anywhere else).
7. At the studio of your personal trainer.
6. At someone else's office, not yours.
5. On a ski lift.
4. Through a reputable dating service that finds you the perfect match.
3. Self-help seminar for divorcees.
2. Your place of worship.
1. A Sting Concert (people of all ages attend them).
To read this article in its entirety, please click here.

For more information, contact the Family Law Offices of Renee M. Marcelle at (415) 456-4444, or online at

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